Adding a link to KB article or topic in a ticket reply

Agents can search for and attach knowledge base articles or community topics to tickets. An agent's reply can be supplemented with a relevant discussion or article, giving customers a more comprehensive answer.

When you click on the search field, Helprace surfaces a number of relevant articles and topics for you. This is based on your ticket's subject, body and previous replies.

Typing something in the field will show search results.

Click on a desired article to paste a link to your ticket reply. Clicking the Eye icon on the right will open the article preview. You can paste a link or edit the article from there.

The following set of hotkeys is also available to streamline the process of searching and inserting the links:

  • Ctrl + / to start searching for content
  • Up/down keys to select topic or article
  • Enter to insert link

The search function returns all topics including those in restricted spaces and unpublished KB articles.

  • A topic from a restricted space will have a Lock icon, notifying the agent that the ticket recipient may not have access to it (depending on your space restrictions and ticket recipient role).
  • An unpublished KB article will be grayed out, since there is no public link pointing to the article and it cannot be inserted. The agent might want to review the article, make changes to it and publish it before inserting a link.
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