Setting Time Based ticket rules (automations)

About time based rules

Time based rules perform a set of actions when tickets are created or undergo a change. For an introduction, see Rules & Notifications: Using Instant and Time Based rules to manage workflows.

A time based rule scans tickets every hour. Time based rules scan every hour and can be set to execute actions after a certain number of hours since a ticket property was changed. In this article, we will discuss how to create rules and the various conditions and actions you can use for your rules.

Default rules are available in all plans. Custom rules are supported in the Helpdesk and Complete plans.

Managing time based rules


Only Admins and Owners can manage (create, modify, delete) instant rules

  • Go to  Settings > Rules & Notifications
  • Select the Time Based tab. Click the + button.

  • Input the title of your rule. A rule is made up of these following:
    • A condition, which specifies what must happen for the rule to work
    • An action, which happens after the condition / conditions are met
  • Hit Save.

Previewing matches

To visualize the implications of your rule, Preview match for the conditions above when setting it up. It will show tickets matching your conditions.


Point to the left of your rule to drag and drop your rule in the desired place. You cannot drag an Active rule into the Inactive rules category and vice versa. If your rule sends an email, you'll see the envelope icon in front of it:

Editing, cloning, deleting, deactivating

To edit a rule, click ⋮ to the right of your rule and select Edit.

Cloning a rule copies it so that you can modify it from its existing set of conditions and actions. If you save without making any changes, you will make an identical duplicate your rule.

Deactivating a rule removes it from operation. Deactivated rules can be reactivated when needed.

Deleting removes your rule permanently and this cannot be undone.

Time based rule conditions

Rule conditions are essentially "if" statements that check tickets against specified criteria. All conditions must be met in order for the rule to be fired.

Your "Meet ALL of the Following Conditions" & "Meet ANY of the Following Conditions" condition groups work on an AND basis, not an OR basis.

Condition Options

Ticket: Status

Available operators: Is, Is not, Less than, Greater than, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • New ticket is newly created and not assigned to an agent
  • Open ticket was modified or assigned to an agent
  • Pending ticket is answered, awaiting a response
  • On-hold ticket is waiting on a 3rd party
  • Solved ticket is was resolved by agent or user
  • Closed ticket can only be set as such by Helprace

A "less than" or "greater than" operator returns tickets before or after those in the order above. To return tickets with all statuses except Solved and Closed:

Ticket: Status > Less than > Solved
Ticket: Type

What the ticket most closely resembles.

Available operators: Is, Is not, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • Ticket
  • Question
  • Problem
  • Incident
  • Task
Ticket: Priority

Available operators: Is, Is not, Less than, Greater than, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • Low
  • Normal
  • High
  • Urgent

A "less than" or "greater than" operator returns tickets before or after those in the order above. To return tickets with all priorities except Low:

Ticket: Priority > Greater than > Low
Ticket: Assignee

Checks what agent is assigned to the ticket.

Available operators: Is, Is not, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • (Unassigned) is a ticket not assigned to any agent
  • (Current Agent) is the last agent who made changes to the ticket
  • (Requester) is the ticket creator or sender
  • Agent Name lets you specify an agent by typing their name, email or selecting from list

To check if the agent who's assigned to a ticket also created it:

Ticket: Assignee > Is > Requester
Ticket: Team

Checks what Team is assigned to the ticket.

Available operators: Is, Is not, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • (Unassigned) is a ticket not assigned to any Team
  • (Team) lets you specify a Team by typing and selecting from list. One or more Teams can be entered. Checks them in OR fashion
Ticket: Assignee Role

Available operators: Is one of, Is none of

Agent, Admin, Owner

Ticket: Requester

Checks who created or sent the ticket.

Available operators: Is, Is not, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • (Current Agent) is the last agent who made changes to the ticket
  • (Assignee) is the agent who the ticket is assigned to
  • (User) lets you specify an agent, user or a combination thereof by typing their name, email or selecting from list. Checks them in OR fashion
  • (Email) lets you specify an email or a combination of emails. Checks them in OR fashion. Supports wildcard emails (*

To check if the agent who created the ticket is also assigned to it:

Ticket: Requester > Is > Assignee
Ticket: Requester Organization

Checks what Organization the ticket creator belongs to.

Available operators: Is, Is not, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • (Unassigned) ticket's user does not belong to Organization
  • (Organization) lets you specify an Organization by typing and selecting from list. One or more Organizations can be entered. Checks them in OR fashion.
Ticket: Requester Group

Checks what User Group the ticket creator belongs to.

Available operators: Is, Is not, Changed, Changed to, Changed from, Not changed, Not changed to, Not changed from

  • (Unassigned) ticket's user does not belong to Organization
  • (Group) lets you specify a Group by typing and selecting from list. One or more Groups can be entered. Checks them in OR fashion
Ticket: Tags

Can be used to find tickets with or without specific tags. One or more tags can be entered.

Available operators: Contains at least one of the following, Contains none of the following

Ticket: Channel

What platform was used to add or create the ticket.

Available operators: Is, Is Not

  • Admin Panel
  • API
  • Email
  • Feedback Widget
  • User Portal
Ticket: Received at

If you've set up multiple email addresses, you can filter tickets coming into a specific mailbox. For example, you may accept requests at and

Available operators: Is one of, Is none of

Ticket: Subject

Checks ticket subjects with or without a specific words or string.

Available operators: Contains at least one of the following words, Contains none of the following words, Contains the following string, Does not contain the following string

  • Words are individual words. Multiple words must be separated with commas.
  • String is a phrase searched as it's provided. May be a part of word.
Ticket: Satisfaction

Available operators: Is, Is not

  • Unoffered means the satisfaction survey hasn't been sent yet
  • Offered means the survey has already been sent
  • Good means the ticket received a positive rating
  • Bad means the ticket received a negative rating
  • Good with comment means the ticket received a positive rating and a comment has been provided by the user
  • Bad with comment means the ticket received a negative rating and a comment has been provided by the user

This condition will be available if Satisfaction Rating is enabled on the   Settings > TICKETS > Settings page. Learn more

In addition to conditions listed above, you may want to add timed conditions. You can specify the number of hours since a ticket property is established.

  • Hours since created (created or submitted)
  • Hours since opened (status change)
  • Hours since pending (status change)
  • Hours since on-hold (status change)
  • Hours since solved (status change)
  • Hours since closed (status change)
  • Hours since assigned (agent assigned to ticket)
  • Hours since update (any type of modification)
  • Hours since requester update (modified by ticket creator or sender)
  • Hours since assignee update (modified by agent assigned to ticket)

Timed conditions must be specified in whole numbers. For example 1.5 will be interpreted as 1. 0 will void the condition.

If timed conditions shown below are not set, the rule will fire every hour.

Time based rule actions

Rule actions are the events that take place due to matching conditions as specified in the rule.

Action Options

Ticket: Status

  • New ticket is newly created and not assigned to an agent
  • Open ticket was modified or assigned to an agent
  • Pending ticket is answered, awaiting a response
  • On-hold ticket is waiting on a 3rd party
  • Solved ticket is was resolved by agent or user
  • Closed ticket can only be set as such by Helprace

Ticket: Priority

  • Low
  • Normal
  • High
  • Urgent

Ticket: Type

  • Ticket
  • Question
  • Problem
  • Incident
  • Task
Ticket: Team Assigns ticket to a specified Team

Ticket: Assignee

Ticket is assigned to:

  • (Unassigned) removes assignment
  • (Current Agent) the last agent who made changes to the ticket
  • (Requester) the ticket creator or sender
  • Agent Name lets you specify an agent by typing their name, email or selecting from list
  • (Auto: Least Busy) automatically assigns to agent with the least amount of Open tickets assigned to them
  • (Auto: Round Robin) automatically assigns to agents in a circular order

Requester: Organization

Set a specified Organization to the ticket's creator

Requester: Remove Organization

Clear Organization from the ticket's creator

Requester: Set Groups

Set one or more User Groups to the ticket's creator by typing and selecting from list. These Groups will overwrite existing Groups

Requester: Add Groups

Add one or more User Groups to the ticket's creator by typing and selecting from list
Requester: Remove Groups Remove one or more User Groups from the ticket's creator by typing and selecting from list
Requester: Remove all Groups Clear all User Groups from the ticket's creator
Ticket: Set tags Set one or more ticket tags by typing (must be separated by commas) or selecting from list. These tags will overwrite existing tags
Ticket: Add tags Add one or more ticket tags by typing (must be separated by commas) or selecting from list
Ticket: Remove tags Remove one or more ticket tags by typing (must be separated by commas) or selecting from list
Ticket: Remove all tags Clear all ticket tags
Ticket: Satisfaction (Offered) indicates that a survey request has been sent to the ticket requester (must be used within the rule that sends email survey) Learn more
Ticket: Reminder

Cancel cancels the ticket reminder

In... date on which ticket will be set to Open (ticket status must be other than Open)

Email user action

This action sends email to individuals.

Notification: Email user
  • (Requester) sends email to the ticket creator or sender. Sends email to CCs, if included
  • (Assignee) sends email to the agent who the ticket is assigned to
  • (All Agents) sends email to all staff members
  • (Assigned Team) sends email to members of Team the ticket is assigned to
  • (Requester Groups) sends email to members of User Groups the requester is part of. Members part of Organization that is part of a Group will also be part of that Group by inheritance
  • (Requester Organization) sends email to members of Organization the requester is part of.
  • User sends email to agent, user (or a combination thereof). Type their name, email or select from list
  • Email sends email to an address or a combination of addresses
  • Team sends email to members of Team. One or more Teams can be entered or selected from list
  • Organization sends email to members of Organization. One or more Organizations can be entered or selected from list
  • Group sends email to users belonging to User Group. Members part of Organization that is part of a Group will also be part of that Group by inheritance. One or more User Groups can be entered or selected from list

One-time-only rules

All time based rules are designed to run every hour to see if their conditions are met. To run only once, a rule must contain a condition that may be true only once or contain an action that voids one of its own conditions.

Here are three ways to ensure your rule only run once:

Create a timed condition

By setting timed conditions, you ensure they run only once. An example of this condition is "Hours since" condition. This condition does not require an action to cancel or void itself. Simply set the Condition

Ticket: Hours since Solved > Is > 48

and Action

Ticket: Status > Closed

In the example above, by setting a rule that turns every Solved ticket into a Closed ticket 48 hours after being resolved, the action will only be executed once. Meaning, on the 47th and 49th hour the condition will be false and the rule will not act on the ticket.

Change one ticket property into another

By setting a ticket property into a different one as part of the action, the rule will not be executed on this ticket again. Simply set the Conditions

Ticket: Priority > Is > High
Ticket: Hours since created > Is > 24

and Action

Ticket: Priority > Is > Urgent

In the example above, the next time the rule runs, the priority will be Urgent and not High. The condition will be false and the ticket will be ignored.

Check for a tag, add it if absent

If your rule is in a perpetual loop, adding a tag to your rule ensures it only runs once. Simply set the Conditions

Ticket: Status > Is > New
Ticket: Hours since created > Greater than > 48
Ticket: Tags > Contains none of the following > important

and Action

Ticket: Priority > Is > Urgent
Ticket: Add Tags > important

In the example above, you instruct a rule to check for a tag, and if that tag is not present, it is added. That way, if the rule runs across this ticket again with the tag present, it will ignore the ticket and not execute an action. Otherwise, the condition "Ticket: Hours since created Greater than 48" will execute the rule every hour after the 48th hour passes.

Placeholder details for emails

Placeholders are commands than can be inserted into messages to personalize your automated emails (notifications).

When setting an Action for your rule, select Notification: Email user. Click Show placeholder details under the message box to see available placeholders. Alternatively, you can refer to the Helprace placeholder guide.

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