Set vote limits for Ideas

Normally users have an unlimited number of votes to support any idea they see fit. However, you may want to set a custom limit for how many times users can cast their votes.

Setting voting limits

  1. Go to the  Settings > COMMUNITY > Ideas page in the Admin Panel.
  2. Change the "Vote Limit per User" setting to set a desired limit. This applies to all users (but agents are not affected).
  3. Set the vote limit to 0 if you wish to grant users unlimited votes.

Negative votes count against remaining votes.

If an idea is marked as completed, is declined or deleted, votes are returned to the user that voted on it.

Limits are applied to ideas only. Voting on other community channels, replies and KB articles isn't limited.

Voting as a user

When vote limits are enabled, users can see the number of votes remaining as they try to vote. Hovering on the vote icon shows a hint explaining why votes are limited.

Users can also check their remaining votes in their user profile (left panel).

When a user is out of votes, the voting button along with the hint is disabled.

Un-voting an idea returns the votes to the user.

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