Slack integration

It would be great to be able to post notifications and updates to a channel in Slack.

Currently it is possible to monitor the helprace RSS feeds for community updates, but the messages are not clear.  I did not see any way to read ticket updates on Slack.

9 replies

Sounds like a great idea!

Yes, tickets are not available via RSS. Tickets contain private information and I'm not sure if we should an RSS for them. We would probably need a Slack app for this, I think.

You mentioned that messages are not clear when you monitor community updates in Slack via RSS. Could you please elaborate and possibly show a screenshot?

We got the following several times.  Every time any update was made on this ticket https://foxyutils.helprace.com/i203-allow-to-split-all-pages-in-a-pdf-then-download-a-zip-file  we got the same entry in slack:

Rather would be nice to get an alert that a new suggestion was added with some information.  Then that a new comment was added by X and a bit of text etc.


RSS and Authentication

I'm trying to setup app RSS feed into slack,

The issue is that the RSS feed I'm connecting to is on a closed group that requires authentication.

How do i authenticate?

URL to feed: http://mystore.helprace.com/s4-for-ansatte/all/new?format=rss 

RSS standard doesn't support authentication, unfortunately. There are workarounds, but they do not appear to be secure.


Hi Edward ! Any news from a Slack integration ? 


Hi! No news at this time. We'll update this post should there be any changes.

webhook   of  some topics  may be  made poosible 

Thank you for your suggestion Pagandai! We still have no news about this.

We've been using the following Zap for a while:


Create a hook with the event you need:
ticket_added, ticket_updated, ticket_assigned, ticket_cc, ticket_priority, ticket_requester, ticket_status, ticket_subject, ticket_tags, ticket_type, ticket_reply_agent_added, ticket_reply_user_added, ticket_note_added, user_added, user_updated, user_blocked, user_role_updated, user_contacts_updated, user_wiped, topic_added, topic_updated, topic_title, topic_body, topic_status, topic_tags, topic_deleted, topic_voted, topic_unvoted, topic_reply_added, topic_reply_updated, topic_reply_deleted, topic_reply_voted, topic_reply_unvoted, topic_reply_marked_best, topic_comment_added, topic_comment_updated or topic_comment_deleted

Here are the steps of our zap

  1. Catch Hook
  2. Filter (e.g. Ticket via (Text) Does not exactly match admin-panel, Ticket Subject (Text) Does not contain AUTOREPLY)
  3. Formatter Date / Time for creation timestamp
  4. Formatter Text Remove HTML tags
  5. Formatter Text Truncate
  6. Slack Send Channel Message with
    Ticket Author @ timestamp via channel
    Truncated text
    with a direct link to the ticket in the admin panel