
Show Organization's name under the user name in ticket list


I want to be able to see from the list of all opened ticket from which organisation they come.


We work on a B2B market and we have a lot of companies as client (hundreds) and each company has a lot of people who work in it (a mean of hundreds people for each company) and who have access to our support portal (helprace): we cannot remember given a user name in which company he works in, unless the ticket system show it to me...


Best Reply

This feature is implemented. Now you can change ticket list columns to include requester's organization as well as other useful information including custom ticket fields.

4 replies


You can set default list of columns for all filters in Tickets menu (three dots > Default Columns). In addition you can set columns for each filter separately.


Thank you, this is a very important feature for us!

This feature is implemented. Now you can change ticket list columns to include requester's organization as well as other useful information including custom ticket fields.

From where can I enable this feature?