
Widget border should match text color

We have 2 color options. Text Color and Background Color. For some reason the widget defaults to "white" as the background color for the widget which does not look good on our site. 

Without adding complexity to the widget, I believe the widget should default to to the tabTextColor value. Ideally, a new field would be added tabBorderColor. 

Best Reply

You can change the color of the widget tab border by adding this style to your site:

div#helprace-feedback-widget {
    border-color: red !important;

Also, you can design your own link or button that would open the widget. See Launching the Feedback Widget with a link for more details.

2 replies

You can change the color of the widget tab border by adding this style to your site:

div#helprace-feedback-widget {
    border-color: red !important;

Also, you can design your own link or button that would open the widget. See Launching the Feedback Widget with a link for more details.

Sounds reasonable! I'll convert this to Idea to make sure community would support this change.

By the way, I haven't noticed the widget tab on your site at first :)