Under Review

Convert a ticket to a community topic

Would it be possible to "convert" a request type from request to for instance a question, idea, problem or praise entry, so it would go from a private conversation with the requester to a public conversation visible to all in the space?

6 replies

Although this is not possible right now, we are reviewing this option. There is one concern related to this. What if the person, who made the request, wouldn't be happy to see their private request posted on a public portal? The request may include internal company details, site access info, etc.

Do you think this might be important? Perhaps agents should decide by themselves if certain request can be converted to a public topic.


Yeah, I think it should be an option available to agents only, so then can decide whether or not to make it public.

Perhaps make an authorization workflow? Agent moves request to idea/problem/praise/question, requester gets e-mail with question, Agent.Name wants to move this request to an idea/problem/praise/question so it is visible for everybody with access to the support portal, do you accept this?


Thank you, Henk. Sounds great.

By the way, here is another thing. Normally if you convert customer requests (tickets) to ideas often (no matter if you do that manually by copy-pasting, or, potentially, with a "convert" button), you'll eventually end up having a community with many ideas that look like posted by company staff. This may look a bit weird.

What if we allow agents to post ideas/problems/questions/praise on behalf of customers? Surely, agent will ask for permission to do that. Possibly, customer would get an email saying "Agent posted this on your behalf. If you would like to delete this post, click here. It will be posted publicly in 48 hours."

What do you think? :)


Post ideas etc on behalf of customers sounds great! The interval between sending approval e-mail and the posting should be configurable though, 48 hours might be too long for some organizations :)

I've converted this question to an idea, so now everyone can express their support.


This is a topic i struggle with on a daily basis, actually we're manually converting to public questions all major tickets we receive, without any referral to customer's personal data. On the other hand, waiting for 48h before a pst can be published, may become a concern. What about a "convert into topic" button, that also encrypts personal names, links and phone umbers?