
Searching the community

When someone searches the community using the search engine provided, it searches for each word. It would be nice if the user had the option to decide if they want to search based on each word as individual words OR as a phrase only. Using common words provides search results that are too abundant. For example, searching for Organic Acids on my site would turn up 387 conversations or articles and there should be that many.

Best Reply

Please try the following constructions:

+Organic +Acids
Organic AND Acids

These two are equivalent and tell the search engine to show all results that have both "Organic" and "Acids" words.

You can also use this construction to find only items with both words in the title:

title:(Organic OR Acids) 

Here you can find more search tips.

2 replies

Please try the following constructions:

+Organic +Acids
Organic AND Acids

These two are equivalent and tell the search engine to show all results that have both "Organic" and "Acids" words.

You can also use this construction to find only items with both words in the title:

title:(Organic OR Acids) 

Here you can find more search tips.

Further or alternate idea would be to give the searcher the ability to search the search results on a second or third time refining each time.