Posting to the community on behalf of a user

There are times you may need to post in your community on behalf of your users.

  • Did a customer email you a critical workaround that may also help others?
  • Did a user bring up a great idea by phone or email?
  • Someone unsure how (or doesn't have the time) to ask a question in the community?

Here's how to do it:

When creating or editing a topic in the admin panel, you can see the author at the bottom.

By default, this is set automatically: if you created the topic, you'll be the author.

Click X beside the author. This lets you select a different user as the author.

This works for all community topics (questions, ideas, problems, praise), updates and knowledge base articles.

Tip: You may want to remove yourself as a follower of a topic if you post it on behalf of someone else.

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