Agent collision detection for articles and topics

Agent collision detection keeps agents aware when other agents are editing a particular article or topic. This helps ensure multiple agents don't make changes to an article at the same time and overwrite each others' work.

Your Knowledge Base articles and Community topics (Questions, Ideas, Problems and Praise) make use of agent collision detection. It's available to agents through the Admin Panel and the User Portal.

When an article is being edited by at least one agent, a red corner will show up on the article or topic in the Community table view.

If you open an article that's being edited by someone else, a red box with a pen icon will appear in the top right corner indicating the number of agents working on it. Hovering the box will show the list of current editors.

If you try to open such an article for editing you'll get a message warning you of a potential conflict. By ignoring this warning, you risk overwriting the work of your colleagues or get your work overwritten. This way, agents can wait until the other party is finished before beginning to edit the article.

Agent collision notifications are performed in real-time. Once an agent navigates away from the article or stops editing it, it's reflected in Helprace immediately.

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