Changing ticket properties directly from your email inbox

The email the commands are sent from should be associated to an agent's account in your Helprace

Helprace allows you to change ticket properties directly from your email inbox. While in their email client, your staff members are able to input commands that will be reflected in the tickets in Helprace.

This feature works by having agents insert commands with hash tags ( # ) in the first lines of the email message recognized by Helprace. Staff members can also create tickets and set its properties directly from their email inboxes.

In the example below, "", which is associated to an agent account in Helprace, is used to set the ticket priority as Urgent, type to Incident, and a reply.

Email commands reference

Commands must be in the very first line of your email. You must enter each command as a separate line (preceded by a hashtag # without spaces) as shown above.

When executed correctly, commands will not be visible to the end-user. However, the accompanying message will be treated as a reply to the ticket. If no message is included with the commands, Helprace will only apply the commands, but will not create a reply to the ticket.

Property Description


Email address of the requester of the ticket. If this user doesn't exist, Helprace creates them automatically. If unspecified, the requester is the message composer.


You must use the email address of a staff member in your Helprace. Adding an invalid email will not change the assignee.
If you're replying to an unassigned ticket, it will be automatically assigned to you.


Specify the full name or ID you want to assign the ticket to.



Possible values are: Open, Pending and Solved.


Or, just specify the value 



Possible values are: Low, Normal, High, Urgent.


Or, just specify the value 



Possible values are: Ticket, Question, Problem, Incident, Task.


Or, just specify the value 



Sets tags, overwriting existing tags.

#tag:account, upgrade
#tags:account, upgrade

To add tags to existing tags:

#+tags:account upgrade

To remove tags from existing tags:

#-tag:account, upgrade

Sets CCs, overwriting existing CCs.
#cc:john@acme, <>

To add CCs to existing CCS:, james@bluefone, <>

To remove CCs from existing CCs:, james@bluefone, <>


This command deletes the ticket:




Internal note

This command turns the message into a private note:


In this example, we'll attach a private note while changing the ticket priority to High and setting an assignee:


Jason, please give this guy a hand

Your internal message must begin on a new line with a blank line preceding it. The #internal command must be the last command in a series.


To add a reply with email commands:


Hi James,
Thanks for contacting us!
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